The Feldera Blog

An unbounded stream of technical articles from the Feldera team

Who's accessing your S3 buckets? SecOps solution using CloudTrail, EventBridge and Feldera

In this blog post, we'll show you an end-to-end example of how you'd build such a solution using Feldera. Consider using Feldera if you'd prefer to build and iterate quickly on your own SecOps analytics.

Real-time feature engineering is hard (but it doesn't need to be). Part 1.

The first in a series of posts on using Feldera to democratize real-time feature engineering.

Streaming queries without compromise

The Feldera Team's talk at the Stream Processing Meetup

DBSP in ACM SIGMOD Research Highlights

The DBSP paper receives the ACM SIGMOD 2024 Research Highlights Award

A synchronous streaming model

Discussing a few different ways to design streaming systems.

Feldera input and output adapters

Interfacing an incremental streaming query engine with the outside world

Incremental Database Computations

What is incremental computation in a database

Indexed Z-sets

How to implement JOINs and GROUP BY on Z-set

Database computations on Z-sets

How can Z-sets be used to implement database computations