The Feldera Blog

An unbounded stream of technical articles from the Feldera team

Calcite program representations

This article is about the Apache Calcite compiler framework. We describe the core data structures used by Calcite to represent programs.

How to Continuously Analyze Streaming Data from Redpanda

You can write standard SQL on fast changing data from Redpanda

Desperately Seeking Kafka

Seeking a Kafka consumer is trickier than it appears

Implementing Z-sets

In this post we write some Java code which implements ZSets, to (1) show how simple they are and (2) to make it completely clear how they work.

Z-sets - Representing Database Changes

In a previous post we have discussed computing on changes. This discussion is about changes to the contents of databases.

Best Research Paper, VLDB 2023

Announcing our best paper award at VLDB 2023 for describing the mathematical theory behind the correctness, performance and extensibility for incremental queries.

Announcing Feldera, the company

Announcing Feldera's funding round and launch as a company.

Computing with changes

Describing how change data and incremental computation work together in Feldera for continuous analytical results.

Welcome To Feldera

Announcing Feldera's core technology and how it merges several independent technologies for a ground-breaking analytical solution.