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5 posts tagged with "streaming analytics"

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Meet the Feldera storage engine

Meet the Feldera storage engine

5 AUGUST, 2024

How Feldera handles data bigger than memory.

Ben Pfaff


Storage has shipped!

Storage has shipped!

30 JULY, 2024

Feldera's new storage engine analyzes more data in less memory

Ben Pfaff


RocksDB: Not A Good Choice for a High-Performance Streaming Platform

RocksDB: Not A Good Choice for a High-Performance Streaming Platform

22 JULY, 2024

We go over our findings when trying to use RocksDB as our storage engine

Gerd Zellweger


Rolling Aggregates: the Most Important Feature in Your Real-Time Fraud Detection Pipeline

Rolling Aggregates: the Most Important Feature in Your Real-Time Fraud Detection Pipeline

18 JULY, 2024

We explore rolling aggregation--a critical tool in the real-time fraud detection arsenal

Leonid Ryzhyk

CTO & Co-Founder

Your Streaming Analytics Use Case Needs More State Than You Think. How Does Your Streaming Engine Measure Up?

Your Streaming Analytics Use Case Needs More State Than You Think. How Does Your Streaming Engine Measure Up?

10 JULY, 2024

There are two types of streaming users: those who believe their workload fits in memory and those who already know it won't. In this blog, we clarify the relationship between streaming and storage. We explain why state management is a crucial component of a streaming analytics platform and offer high-level guidelines for evaluating the storage layer when choosing the right streaming platform for your application.

Leonid Ryzhyk

CTO & Co-Founder