A year of magic

A year of magic

Lalith Suresh
Lalith SureshCEO / Co-Founder
| September 30, 2024

Today, I’m thrilled to announce our new website and rebrand. This transformation goes beyond aesthetics—it reflects our commitment to empowering organizations with technology so powerful, it feels like magic.

A Year of Magic

As an avid sci-fi reader and technologist, I strive to bring a sense of wonder into the world through technology—a feeling captured by Arthur C. Clarke’s famous words: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

To me, Feldera has embodied that vision.

Our name Feldera is inspired by a legendary device that allows its wielder to see into the future. Coincidentally, our DBSP theory underpinning our product was described by a reviewer as a “powerful artifact.” Many of our early users even used the word “magic” to describe their experience with Feldera. In the fantasy genre – which many of our founding team are big fans of – magic is key to world building. So it felt on-point to make magic central to the promise of our product for data scientists and engineers alike – a community that, like us, also share a similar fascination and sense of wonder for technology.

A Powerful Artifact Behind a Familiar Interface

Over the past year, our team has built a state-of-the-art data analytics product, harnessing the power of incremental computation. With Feldera, users compute over data by defining tables and complex views over them using SQL, where the tables draw data from live and/or historical data sources. Feldera updates these views instantly when any of the input tables change, making it uniquely powerful for both offline (batch) and online (streaming, real-time) use cases.

In doing so, Feldera unlocks tremendous business value for ML and data teams alike as a compute layer. For example, fraud detection teams can finally compute the same sophisticated features with perfect offline-online parity – letting them cross the chasm from training to inference instantly in under a day, instead of months. These users can finally “just write SQL” to solve their business problems, while we handle all the incremental compute magic behind-the-scenes. Feldera is unique in that it fully automates:

  • Unified batch and streaming computations with clear, well-defined semantics.
  • Running arbitrarily complex SQL pipelines comprising tables and deeply nested views.
  • Processing inserts, updates, and deletes to input data.
  • Handling datasets larger than memory.
  • Garbage collection to compute over infinite streams with finite memory.
  • Integrating with popular data systems, enabling computations over data from Kafka, Data Lakes, Warehouses, CDC, and HTTP APIs.
  • Unmatched performance in the millions of events per second—straight from a laptop.

Introducing Fred: Our Magical Mascot

Meet Fred, our new mascot. Fred is a mythical flying fish with sprite-like wings, symbolizing our commitment to agility, precision, speed, fun, and a feeling of wonder. Like Feldera, we wanted Fred to evoke a sense of magic while still feeling familiar to all our users and community members.


Looking Ahead: Our Roadmap

Like Fred, our team moves fast (ever seen a flying fish?). Feldera’s unique and powerful foundation allows us to ship new features at record speed–just ask any of our design partners. In the coming months, expect more enterprise capabilities via our cloud offering, a laser focus on user- and operator-experience, and even more performance as we continue to make our users successful.

We hope you enjoy our rebrand and would love for you to join the adventure too:

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